New Website Premieres December 1

We are happy to announce our new website will appear on your screen Tuesday, December 1. Security has been very important to us. So, the very first thing you will have to do is change your password. We will no longer issue passwords.

This is an important upgrade to our program. When we first instituted our website, we gave each company one username and password to use. The problem with that was when the person left the company, they still were able to use that username and password. Not the most ethical thing to do but people were doing it. In 2010, we undertook the task of providing everyone in our database a unique password. Now, 10 years later we are setting it up so the password is one that is created by the user and can be changed by the user.

There are other updates to our new website, too. The home page will look different and provide you information about what State and Federal Communications provides for its clients, which helps if you need additional assistance.

In addition, we have moved our Canadian and European entries to a new International section, which now includes Latin America. This means we will now include countries all over the world where we find lobbying, campaign finance, or gift laws. If you have suggestions, please send them us.

What is important to know is once you input your password the website will look the same. Our plans to update the actual data will begin next year.

That superhighway in the sky has done so much to help State and Federal Communications get the needed information to you. It has helped us grow our services of countries, cities, and counties to help you meet your needs.

As we start to close this year, we thank you for your continued support for the work we do for you. Our clients and the entire State and Federal Communications Community are the reason we wake up every day. We wish you all a happy holiday season.

P.S. Stay safe. Wear a mask.
Thank you,

Elizabeth Z. Bartz

President and CEO

Michael Beckett, Esq.,
Associate Director, Research Services

ALASKA: Ballot Measure 2 was approved with 50.5% of the vote reported as of November 17. The measure will make several changes to the election process, including replacing partisan primaries with open top-four primaries for state executive, state legislative, and congressional offices. Also, the measure establishes ranked-choice voting for general elections, including the presidential election, in which voters can rank the candidates. Additionally, Ballot Measure 2 requires persons and entities contributing more than $2,000 derived from donations, contributions, dues, or gifts to disclose the true sources of the political contributions. The approved system of top-four primaries and ranked-choice voting general elections will be first used in 2022, which includes the gubernatorial, U.S. House, and a U.S. Senate election.

AURORA, COLORADO: In a 7-3 vote, the Aurora City Council passed a major campaign finance reform ordinance on November 2, increasing transparency and limiting money in city elections. The ordinance limits donations from individuals and committees to $1,000 in at-large and mayoral races and $400 for council wards. It also bans contributions from "artificial persons" and increases transparency of donations and enforcement of regulations. Previously, Aurora imposed no limits on donations to candidates. The ordinance is effective January 1, 2021.

COLORADO: The Colorado General Assembly is preparing for a special session to provide more relief to those impacted by COVID-19. Gov. Jared Polis wants lawmakers to take immediate action on elements of his $1.3 billion stimulus package that includes relief for restaurant owners and other small businesses. The special session is expected to take place after the Thanksgiving holiday before lawmakers return on January 13, 2021 for their next regular session. It will take at least three days to approve legislation. A professional lobbyist must disclose within 72 hours if agreeing to lobby for an existing client or taking a new position in connection to legislation, standard, rules, or rates during a special session.

OHIO: The Joint Legislative Ethics Committee published a reminder they will not accept cash, money orders, or physical checks for payment of 2021 lobbying registration fees. The online payment portal, accessible via the lobbyist’s OLAC account was established in 2019. Registrations fees for 2021 must be paid electronically utilizing VISA, MasterCard, or ACH. Lobbyists may begin renewing registrations for legislative, executive, and retirement system engagements in OLAC on December 1. The renewal option closes January 15, 2021. Any lobbyist who does not complete the renewal process by January 15, 2021 must file a new initial registration statement, which requires a signature page.

OREGON: Voters passed a state constitutional amendment paving the way for the Oregon State Legislature and local lawmakers to limit political contributions and expenditures. Measure 107 also allows for rules regarding disclosure of campaign activity to require campaigns to be transparent about who paid for political advertisements. Currently, there are no contribution limits due to Oregon Supreme Court rulings declaring campaign finance reform to be in violation of the state constitution. Measure 107 is retroactive, but only to legislation passed on or after January 1, 2016.

Missouri Voters Pass Ethics and Elections Constitutional Amendment

Marilyn Wesel, Esq.

Manager, Research Services

On November 3, voters in Missouri passed Amendment 3, a constitutional amendment initiated by Senate Joint Resolution No. 38, passed earlier this year. The amendment creates a lobbyist gift ban, reduces campaign contribution limits, and repeals redistricting. The provisions are effective December 3, 30 days after the election.

Lobbyist Gift Ban

Amendment 3 prohibits all gifts from lobbyists or lobbyist principals to members of the General Assembly, staff members, and anyone employed by the General Assembly. Previously, gifts valued at $5 or less per occurrence were acceptable. The gift ban does not prohibit candidates from accepting campaign contributions or gifts from family members. Amendment 3 makes no changes to lobbyist reporting of expenditures required to be filed monthly.

Contribution Limits

The amendment also reduces contribution limits made to or accepted by any candidate or committee for the office of state senator from $2,559 to $2,400 per election. The amendment reduces contribution limits made to or accepted by any candidate or committee for the office of state representative from $2,046 to $2,000 per election. These contribution limits apply to each election cycle and go into effect December 3. Because the limit changes during an election cycle, aggregate contributions received prior to December 3 can be up to the limits in effect at that time. However, aggregate contributions received after this date must not exceed the new limits. Contribution limits will remain the same for future elections because language allowing for adjustment based on the consumer price index was removed from the Constitution by this amendment.


Amendment 3 also modifies the criteria for redrawing legislative districts and changes the process for redrawing state legislative district boundaries during redistricting by repealing the post of nonpartisan state demographer and giving all redistricting responsibility to preexisting bipartisan commissions. The commissions are renamed as the House Independent Bipartisan Citizens Commission and the Senate Independent Bipartisan Citizens Commission. Membership on the commissions is increased to 20 by adding four commissioners appointed by the governor from nominations by the two major political parties’ state committees.

[The details for this article are updated on our website in the Gift Law section
of the U.S. Lobbying and Procurement Lobbying Compliance Laws and the Contributions section of the U.S. Political Contributions Compliance Laws
for Missouri.]

At any given time, more than 1,000 legislative bills, which can affect how you do business as a government affairs professional, are being discussed in federal, state, and local jurisdictions. These bills are summarized in State and Federal Communications' digital encyclopedias for lobbying laws, political contributions, and procurement lobbying and can be found in the client portion of our website.

Summaries of major bills are also included in monthly email updates sent to all clients. The chart below shows the number of bills we are tracking regarding lobbying laws, political contributions, and procurement lobbying.

  Total bills Number of Jurisdictions Passed Died Carried over
to 2021
Lobbying Laws 322 44 22 172 5
Political Contributions 536 56 59 224 25
Procurement Lobbying 322 46 26 162 6


We have added to the website a resource chart entitled “Inaugurations Guide-Based on November 2020 Elections.” The guide provides inaugural compliance information for the president-elect as well as each governor elected this past November. The chart provides the governor’s name, inauguration date, and rules on tickets to events and contributions to inaugural committees. Be sure to consult the chart if you and your company intend to provide resources for these high-profile and often scrutinized events.


State and Federal Communications’ Experts
Answer Your Questions

Here is your chance to “Ask the Experts” at State and Federal Communications, Inc. Send your questions to (Of course, we have always been available to answer questions from clients that are specific to your needs, and we encourage you to continue to call or email us with questions about your particular company or organization. As always, we will confidentially and directly provide answers or information you need.) Our replies are not legal advice, just our analysis of laws, rules, and regulations.

How do I know which date to use when reporting a corporate political contribution?

You may not have considered this, but there are numerous dates that can be attached to a check for a political contribution:

  • The date the check is cut;

  • The date the check clears the bank;

  • The date the candidate receives the check; or

  • The date the check is mailed.


Read the full article here


Click here to read ALL Ask the Experts articles in full

Please fill out the small form to gain access to all articles! Thanks.

For more information, be sure to check out the “Contribution” section of the U.S. Political Contributions Compliance Laws online publication for New York. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

 Nola Werren, Esq.
Assistant Director, Compliance Services

Over the past 27 years, State and Federal Communications has had the benefit of the
marketing and printing knowledge of the Hobrath Group LLC and Norbert Hobrath. 
We wish Norbert the very best as he begins a new chapter in his life.

United Way

Elizabeth Bartz,
presenting a donation to
Jim Mullen,
President of United Way of
Summit and Medina Counties.


Akron Canton Regional Food Bank Harvest for Hunger
At the completion of the 2020 Harvest for Hunger Campaign, Elizabeth Bartz and State and Federal Communications presented Dan Flowers with several checks collected on their behalf.

State and Federal Communications participated in
"The Great Donut Drop" at the Akron Canton Regional Food Bank in November 2020.
The Food Bank employees have received assistance from the National Guard during the pandemic. 
We offered thanks to them for their kindness.


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State and Federal Communications, Inc. | Courtyard Square | 80 South Summit St., Suite 100 |
Akron, OH 44308 |
 | 330-761-9960 | 330-761-9965-fax | 888-4-LAW-NOW|


The Mission of State and Federal Communications is to make sure that your organization can say, "I Comply."

We are the leading authority and exclusive information source on legislation and regulations surrounding campaign finance and political contributions; state, federal, and municipal lobbying; and procurement lobbying.

Contact us to learn how conveniently our services will allow you to say "I Comply" for your compliance activities.